Rehabilitation and Widening of the (M1) Road from Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) Turn-Off to Kasungu being LOT 1 of the four LOTS comprising the entire project
Rehabilitation and Widening of the (M1) Road from Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) Turn-Off to Kasungu being LOT 1 of the four LOTS comprising the entire project
The rehabilitation and widening of the M1 road section from the turnoff to Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) to Kasungu referred to as Section 1 (or LOT
1 of the procurement procedure) of the project. The total length of the section is 102 km.
The primary economic function of the road is the long-distance transportation of import goods for Malawi from the port of Dar es Salaam. Fuel is the main product handled but the road also provides for the import of goods to the mining activities along the road corridor, and the export of agricultural products, in particular tobacco. The road is a major route from Lilongwe to the north and carries significant local traffic serving district administrative centers and trading centers along its route. The Ml through Malawi offers the shortest import/export route to Dar es Salaam for Zambia's agriculturally important Eastern Province.