

The Njakwa – Livingstonia Road project has a total length of 78.5Km

6.0 PROJECT BENEFITS The project has many benefits to the people along the road and to the country as a whole. Some of the benefits will include; 6.1 Road Maintenance costs With the new construction from gravel to bituminous surfaced standard, the road will operate in an all-weather condition. Ultimately, emergency maintenance works during the rainy season and costs will be reduced as concentration will be on routine maintenance activities such as drainage structures cleaning, line marking, grass cutting and patching of any potholes that may occur. 6.2 Vehicle Operating and Passenger Travel costs Vehicle operating costs savings constitute the most important benefit attributable to the project. This will have direct reduction on maintenance cost of the vehicles, reduced fuel consumption and travel time. 6.3 Agriculture The area where the road passes is an agricultural rich area for mainly tobacco, coffee, maize and bananas. The upgrading of the road will ease problems of transporting farm inputs and produce to and from various markets. 6.4 Environmental and Health The upgrading of the road will reduce the occurrence of dust and mud along the project area and thereby improving sanitation which means reduction in the spread of diseases which are airborne or waterborne. This will reduce the cost of medicines which would have been required to treat the people affected. The upgrading of the road will allow the communities good access to health facilities in town. 6.5 Employment Creation and Business Boosting The people around the area of the road project are also benefitting by getting employed in various road activities by the Contractor. During project implementation and after, a lot of businesses will mushroom along the project road and the communities will be empowered economically. 6.6 Boosting Mining The road will provide an all weather access to places of notable activities of national and economic importance like Kaziwiziwi coal mine and other undeveloped potential mining areas. 6.7 Tourism The road passes through a historical Livingstonia mission which has other establishments such as the University of Livingstonia. The road also passes through tourist attraction areas of Manchewe falls before descending the beautiful meandering Golodi escarpments to meet the M01 road at Chitimba.

Start date: 2016-11-01 Due date: 2020-05-01
39,815,658,687.27   MWK
Total Funding
Approval date
Last updated
Project Type
Project Status


Rumphi T305\S103 Rumphi Northern


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